While their State Government has abused immigrants and ignored the rights of pregnant women, Texans are now being encouraged to follow the teachings of Jesus. Bible study (encompassing both the Old and New Testaments) will be an "option" for public schools; special funding will be made available to those schools who accept the opportunity. Of course, one suspects participation will become mandatory down the line.
As with Trump's personal Bible sales, this policy dismisses the separation of Church and State that has been an essential component of our Constitution. More than promoting religious freedom for Christians, it discriminates against members of other religions and imposes faith on those children raised in non-religious families.
The Christian majority of Texas should not subject others to their cherished beliefs. Christianity, like all religions, has exhibited a dark side throughout its history; I doubt those elements will be taught to young, impressionable minds. Freedom from religion is just as important as freedom of religion and should be respected at all levels of government.