Friday, February 4, 2022

The Poisoning of America

There has always been an undercurrent of racism, antisemitism and anti-government sentiment in America.  But Donald Trump and his devoted followers have brought them to the surface and encouraged their expression.

Signaling that violence in defense of his authority is acceptable, Trump has poisoned a large segment of our society.  Fearing his wrath (and the votes of his supporters), the Republican Party has all but shut down, content to merely oppose every Democratic nomination or proposal.  Criticizing Putin (as is appropriate) while defending their own autocrat, this new breed of Republicans is threatening our Democracy.

Our primary means of addressing this scourge is, of course, the ballot box, where the 60% of sane Americans must keep Trump and his enablers out of office.  It is also my hope that American Corporations, always responsive to the majority, will exert pressure via political funding, commercial messaging and decisions related to the location of conferences, headquarters and new plants.  Finally, the Justice Department must come through; in defense of human rights and our Constitution, no one, including past Presidents, should be exempt from prosecution.