Thursday, February 10, 2022

The Vital Nature of Trust

Many positive human traits are important for society to function properly; kindness, generosity and fairness come to mind.  But, in my opinion, trust may be the most vital of all.

In recent years, we have experienced the many complications wrought by an untrustworthy President and now face a large contingent within Congress who cannot be trusted to tell the truth (let alone address important problems).  In the private sector, we trust professionals to protect our health and legal rights and now must increasingly trust corporations to address climate change and other environmental threats.

Of course, human partnerships and friendships rely on trust and ultimately fail if that trust is lost.  The welfare of children is directly tied to loving and trustworthy parents and family dynamics are enhanced by a trusting atmosphere.  Finally, we cannot trust others unless we learn to trust ourselves; as we mature, we make choices and develop convictions in response to this internal compass, governing the course of our life.