Tuesday, March 1, 2022

Fickle March

March 1 is the first day of meteorologic spring while astronomical spring does not begin until the spring equinox, on or about March 21.  This discrepancy seems appropriate for the month, which mingles winter and spring weather, in no particular order.

March is the month when severe thunderstorms begin to develop across the Southeastern States while ice storms, cold rain and snow showers punctuate the month across central latitudes of the Continent.  The risk of significant snowstorms persists throughout the Mountain West, Appalachians and northern States; indeed, March is statistically the snowiest month here along the Colorado Front Range.

Yet, the grass is greening, bulb plants are blooming and the spring migration is well underway, especially for waterfowl, sandhill cranes and American white pelicans; tree frogs call from the wetlands and woodpeckers hammer away on dead limbs and downspouts.  Many of us may associate March with raw, windy weather but there is little doubt that spring is unfolding.