Monday, March 28, 2022

The Journey of Writing

The act of writing, whether of stories, poems, songs or novels, is always a journey.  In some cases, the description of the journey is factual while, in most, it is imaginary, though infused with the personal experience of the author.

The journey may be related to place, including vivid images of landscape, cities or small towns, again drawing from the author's experience or creativity.  By contrast (but often in concert), the journey may be through time, inspired by past events or expectations regarding the future.  Finally, in many cases, the journey is defined by relationships, their development, course and, all too often, demise.

Writing is a form of self discovery, forcing the author to face both their past and their future.  The content of their production, whether factual or imagined, is inspired by their own journey through life, including its many joys, sorrows, rewards and failures.