Saturday, March 12, 2022

Snows at Bradford Farm

As I approached Bradford Farm, east of Columbia, this morning, a large flock of snow geese circled above the eastern pond, soon settling down on the open water or on its snow-covered bank.  It was my first sighting of these inspiring travelers this season (and the first in almost a year).  The great majority of the snows were of the white form though a significant number of "blues" mingled with their cousins.

Other sightings of note on this clear, cold morning included a quartet of canvasbacks and a large number of killdeer and horned larks.  Though the farm is known for its raptors, including short-eared owls, none were observed during my brief visit.

Nevertheless, the snow geese made my morning (and the migration season).  I should see plenty more during my time in Missouri but one never knows; their focus is on getting to the Arctic and my personal schedule is not consulted.