Tuesday, July 5, 2022

Imprisoned by Heat

Excessive heat, accompanied by high humidity, has descended on Missouri over the past few days.  Though we humans evolved in the Tropics, most of us are no longer adapted to such conditions and, for those of us of a certain age, such heat waves can be especially dangerous.

In my case, I have been limiting my outdoor activity to the early morning hours when conditions are at least tolerable.  For the remainder of the day, we shelter indoors, relying on air conditioning that is now powered by solar panels.  For one who much prefers to be outdoors, this imprisonment is certainly unwelcome.

Of course, I protest too much.  At least we have air conditioning and can afford to use it; many others are not so fortunate.  One wonders what summers will be like in another 10 or 20 years as global warming continues to progress.  Never a big fan of the season, I will likely bow out before that time but I am concerned for my children and grandkids.  We have created a climate crisis that will be very difficult, if not impossible, to control.