Wednesday, July 13, 2022

Mask Lessons

This is a Community Service Post.  Now that another wave of Covid is building across the U.S., represented primarily by Omicron ba,5, medical experts are recommending the use of masks indoors, especially in crowded areas.  Of course, many will not use masks at all, especially those who have not been vaccinated.

For those who use masks, a few points are in order.  We breathe primarily through our nose unless it is obstructed by congestion due to allergies, viruses or trauma; in such cases, we breathe through our mouths.  Since we generally inhale through our nose, it is the primary entry point for Covid; conversely, since Covid is primarily spread via the respiratory system (e.g. sneezing, talking, breathing and coughing), masks are only effective if they are of good quality and cover both the nose and the mouth.

Unfortunately, a sizable segment of the mask-wearing population does not seem to understand these facts and wear their mask only over their mouth (perhaps because it is easier to breathe that way)..  Obviously, this practice is not effective in preventing the spread of Covid.  For those of us focused on preventive healthcare, this widespread habit is both misguided and annoying.  Indeed, I find myself more disturbed with those who use their mask inappropriately than with those who forego their use altogether.