Sunday, July 17, 2022

Wonderful Dreariness

Following a prolonged period of extreme heat, high humidity and unrelenting sunshine, we are enjoying a welcome change in central Missouri today.  A cold front meanders across the State, mixing cooler air from the north with warm, humid air from the south.  The results: milder temperatures, extensive cloudiness and intermittent rain.

Our heat stressed plants will certainly benefit from the change and we human residents may even be enticed to leave our air-conditioned caves.  I have already noticed that the neighborhood birds are more active and vocal, celebrating this pleasant reprieve.

Thunderstorms are expected to develop by late afternoon but their arrival will accompany a new warm front as another dome of high pressure settles over our region.  The latter will produce hot, sunny weather for the coming week with afternoon highs near 100 degrees F.  Hopefully, we'll receive plenty of moisture before the oppressive summer resumes.