Sunday, September 11, 2022

News of the Day

American broadcasting companies, focused primarily on maintaining a high viewership, shift their daily news coverage to events that are likely to garner the most attention (and thereby please advertisers).  The death of a Queen, not an everyday occurrence, is just such an opportunity and the news organizations have descended on London to provide 24/7 coverage.

Meanwhile, a tragic war rages in Ukraine, climate change is creating havoc across the globe, American Democracy is under assault and economic hardship is imperiling Europe, among many other problems facing human civilization.  The Queen's death certainly warrants coverage (and a few specials) over the next week or so but a more balanced attention to important news seems appropriate.  An elderly queen dies in Britain while a widespread catastrophe (and thousands of deaths) devastate Pakistan; which deserves more attention?

Enamored with celebrity, most viewers would likely prefer to watch the coverage from London, however repetitious it may be, and the news companies know it.  God Save the King!  But who will save the planet?