Wednesday, December 21, 2022

South of the Arctic Blast

Though I have long preferred winter over summer, I am not especially fond of Polar air or blizzard conditions.  And though our travels were planned months ago, I am pleased to miss out on the Arctic blast that will soon envelop much of the country.

Here in South Florida, we will endure two days in the fifties (F) but we'll manage somehow.  Besides, it is a pleasure to change ecosystems on occasion, enjoying flora and fauna that we might otherwise encounter only on nature programs.  Large flocks of cattle egrets, mingling with the livestock, offered the first glimpse of the changes to come and, over the past two days, I have seen at least a dozen species that are rarely, if ever, observed in my home environments.

Though we have some minor repairs to address, thanks to Hurricane Ian, we'll soon be joined by other family members and anticipate a relaxing and enjoyable Holiday vacation.  Happy Holidays to all and please stay warm!!