Friday, December 23, 2022

The Cold Front Arrives

Last night, thunderstorms streamed in from the Gulf of Mexico as the Arctic dome approached South Florida.  This morning, we awoke to sunny, warm weather on Longboat Key but a band of dark clouds stretched across the northern horizon.

Later in the morning, as we walked on Whitney Beach, the cold front arrived (see photo).  Behind its impressive wall, strong north winds ushered in a gray overcast and light rain.  Gulls and terns on the beach seemed to relish the sudden change, taking to the air to cavort in the steady wind.  Beachcombers, on the other hand, headed for the parking lot.

Despite its dramatic arrival, the Arctic dome will only drop our temperature about twenty degrees F, producing overnight lows in the upper thirties and afternoon highs near fifty for the next two days.  Compared with conditions up north, our setback will be mild and brief.