Sunday, April 3, 2022

A Minor Setback

Since we are accustomed to spring snowstorms along the Colorado Front Range, today's cool, cloudy weather was just a minor setback.  Nevertheless, once signs of spring adorn the landscape, anything but a steady increase in warmth can be disappointing, even for those of us who do not despise winter.

While these spring setbacks are rather common in most regions of the country, they are especially frequent in areas adjacent to mountain ranges.  Wind shifts, often distantly related to storm systems, can produce an upslope flow that cools the air and spawns a dense overcast that blocks out the warm, spring sunshine.

Of course, focused purely on survival and procreation, wildlife are unfazed by the disruption of spring, however severe the conditions.  Undeterred by calendars, weather forecasts and thoughts of the future, they go about their business and we humans appreciate the reassurance that they offer.