Friday, April 15, 2022

Impatience in Spring

We humans are impatient creatures and that trait seems most evident in spring.  Anxious for the greenery, warm air, colorful flowers and summer birds to. appear, we keep a daily vigil that does not always offer the steady change we anticipate.

Having survived the dark, cold months of winter, our tropical past floods through our subconscious memory, fueling the impatience that we feel in spring.  Those who reside in more southern climes generally are rewarded with a rapid recovery from winter though they often must endure severe storms.  Most of us experience an erratic transition to spring, disrupted by cold fronts that bring ice, snow and overnight, sub-freezing temperatures.

The latter scenario is especially typical along the Colorado Front Range, where the progress of spring tests everyone's patience.  Fortunately, we expect sunny, warm weather for the next week which should accelerate the welcome explosion of life; then again, snow is not uncommon here through May.