Friday, April 29, 2022

The Sound of Thunder

Thunderstorms are rolling through Missouri this morning; fortunately, none are expected to be severe and the rain is more than welcome.  The storm system itself is currently centered over the Northern Plains and its trailing cold front is pushing across Kansas and Oklahoma; ahead of that front, warm, moist air from the Gulf of Mexico is streaming northward, fueling the thunderstorms.

Most humans enjoy the sound of thunder, especially when it is distant and not associated with threatening storms.  It is both soothing and nostalgic, reminding us of our younger, carefree days.  One might also argue that the rumble of thunder is imbedded in our collective human memory, associated with the promise of nourishing rain that was so vital when all humans lived off the land.

Even for those who cannot accept such a hypothesis, thunder is an element of nature's music, like crashing waves and the whistling wind.  If nothing else, it reminds us that we are both dependent upon and susceptible to her awesome power.