Tuesday, August 2, 2022

Focus on Children

As another political season gets underway, there will be talk about many of the social ills in American society.  Among these are economic inequity, racism, gun violence, crime, substance abuse, hunger, poor lifestyle habits and limited educational opportunities among many more.  Efforts to address these problems are, in my opinion, most effective during childhood.

Free, high quality day care, funded by the Federal Government and large corporations should be the primary tool.  Ensuring a safe environment, proper nutrition, early education and socialization for young children, such facilities can and should be the cornerstone for preventing the many problems that we now face.  In addition, low-income parents will be freed to expand their own career opportunities, both within the work force and via education programs.

This proposed solution will certainly be expensive but the economic and social benefits will far exceed the downpayment.  Conservatives will likely oppose this "socialism," even while the health, education and future welfare of American children are enhanced.