Saturday, August 6, 2022

Tiny Dragonflies

Last evening, as the sun was setting, I stepped out into the sultry air to survey the yard.  There I encountered a swarm of insects, zooming above the lawn and flowerbeds.  Their size initially suggested that they were bees but, once immersed in the swarm, I realized that they were very small dragonflies.

None alighted on vegetation to permit close examination and the dragonflies did not possess any distinct or colorful markings that characterize larger, more familiar species.  I concluded that they were likely eastern amberwings, attracted to the yard by unseen gnats or mosquitos.

Their uncertain identity did not detract from the spectacle and I watched their energetic attack until the heat and humidity encouraged my own retreat.  Of course,  I appreciated both the show and their service; natural insect control is far preferable to the use of toxic chemicals.