Thursday, August 4, 2022

Taiwan, Democracy & Hypocrisy

In the wake of Speaker Nancy Pilosi's "heroic" (some say over-hyped) visit to Taiwan, Conservative Republicans are applauding her courage.  Their comments focus on protecting democracy in Taiwan while shunning the aggressive threats of a pompous dictator, the President of China.

Of course, many of these same Republicans failed to endorse Trump's Impeachment on two occasions and stood by without comment as the bloated narcissist led a conspiracy to overturn the 2020 election, an effort that continues today and will poison State elections across the country.  Where has their defense of democracy been over the past two years?

It is surely easier (and less politically damaging) to direct their anti-autocrat fervor at the leader of China's Communist Party (despised by freedom-loving citizens across the globe) than it is to confront Trump and his minions who have taken control of their own Party.  Such hypocrisy will tarnish their reputations in the annals of America, the former bastion of Democracy.