Monday, January 2, 2023

Leaving Paradise

After almost two weeks in South Florida, we are heading back north.  We escaped the Arctic Blast, enjoyed warm weather (most of the time) and were able to walk on the beach whenever we were so inclined..  With its nearly permanent warmth, exotic foliage, boating opportunities and fascinating wildlife, many call it Paradise.  I will admit, it is a nice place to visit.

But I prefer seasonal change with all its hassles and challenges.  Most naturalists, myself included, appreciate the natural diversity of the Temperate Zone, where the complex interactions of flora and fauna vary throughout the year.  There we become familiar with permanent residents, seasonal residents and numerous migrants and enjoy a wide variety of plants that undergo dramatic change as the seasons unfold.

Tonight we will stay in north Georgia, still in "The South" but far from the Subtropics.  We have left Paradise and are heading for home, a less predictable but more familiar (and I would say more interesting) swath of Planet Earth.