Tuesday, February 21, 2023

Thoughts on Competitive Swimming

When I was about ten years old, my parents joined a private swim club and encouraged me and my siblings to participate in competitive swimming or diving.  For this, I have been eternally grateful.

Joining the swim team, which turned out to be a year-round activity at some level, I continued my commitment to the sport through high school.  An excellent choice for both aerobic and muscular conditioning, it also, like most sports, stimulated a competitive drive that has served me well over the years.  Yet, unlike many sports, the risk of injury was minimal; the benefits far exceeded any negative effects..

Physical activity in childhood helps to prevent obesity and sets the stage for an attention to fitness throughout our lives; physical conditioning may prevent certain diseases but also improves our prognosis when illness does occur.  I thank my parents for their encouragement and I strongly recommend that others introduce their children or grandchildren to competitive swimming.  Whether they become Olympians or not, it will be a gift that endures.